Sunday, November 23, 2008

Another Hike!

Everyone that is close to me knows how much I love to hike especially out here in Utah with all the great places to see. I want to start training three of my favorite people in the whole world to share in this love of mine so I took them out on a little hike behind the house at the base of Shinob Kibe. There are some perfect little beginner trails that weave up and down giving me info on how each of the kids would manage so I can plan some fun places for us to explore this next year. Caleb was our fearless leader who blazed the way for us and was very good about helping Claire up some of the steeper inclines. I wasn't sure how Carson would fare with his little legs, but he always reminds me that his spunk more than makes up the difference. He would get mad at me if I tried to help him up the larger hills and he preferred to crawl to the top rather than have me carry him up. Claire did very well and she pretty much stayed up with Caleb in the lead. It was perfect weather and the kids were so good it was hard for us to turn around and come home. Here are a few pictures from our evening.

1 comment:

John and Jamie said...

looks like you had a lot of fun. wish I couyld have some with you guys. I know my kids would have loved it too. Thanks for the great pictures.