Sunday, November 16, 2008

Time to Blog

Ok, so its been a little while since my last post. It is kinda hard to sum up the last few months, but here goes. I have continued to see a lot of Utah the last few months thanks to Jeanne and Tyler taking me under their wing to some of their family events. Jeanne's mom lives in Logan which is on the opposite end of the state way up by Wyoming and Idaho. We went over Labor Day weekend to spend a few days with her family and to go 4-wheeling in some of the prettiest country around Bear Lake. We went to a spot which had a monument to Ephriam who was a huge bear that was killed in the early 1900's because he kept messing with farm animals. This piece of rock is as large as the bear stood. Not something I would want roaming in my backyard!

Here are some other pictures around Logan...we went 4-wheeling up on the bluffs and wound up with some amazing views that just cant be captured through a camera.

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